Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Kickin' over the gas can"

Can A Brother get a Playoff Team?

It's hard being a loyal sports fan in Kansas City these days? The last time the Chiefs won a playoff game (1993) The Oilers were still in Houston, DT had a pulse, Okoye was shredding up Defenses on Tecmo Super Bowl, and King Carl's mullet was still in style. And if Peterson hasn't done enough to tear down his fan base he's now considering selling the naming rights to Arrowhead which is blasphemy. This has got to stop. I suggest bringing back Warpaint.

At least with the Royals there's no false hope. You can pretty much bank on triple digits in the loss column every year. The Blue Crew hasn't even been back to the postseason since they won the Series in 85. I can't imagine the times when the Royals were good in early Fall. Your Sunday itinerary would look something like this:

8:00 A.M.  Wake up. Make a Bloody Mary
9:00 A.M.  Arrive at The Truman Sports Complex. Begin Tailgating
12:00 P.M. Walk your half-drunken ass into Arrowhead. Yell for 3 hours. Watch Mark Ward do the Tomahawk Chop
3:00 P.M.  Return to Parking lot. Switch your Barry Word Jersey for a Saberhagen Jersey. Continue Tailgating
7:00 P.M.  Crawl into Royals Stadium. Yell shit at Goose Gossage for 3 hours.
10:00 P.M. Drink and Drive through the Grandview Triangle.

It would be insane. Now days we trade away all of our talent for some prospects that never make it past AA and we're stuck with our backup shortstop pitching the 9th inning because Jimmy Gobble has a higher ERA than Chris Hamblin at Coors Field.

The ESPY's

Props to JT. He did a good job even though I'd rather see Samuel L host it every year. Plus Rio got a lot of face time. Too bad New York Giants fans were the only demographic eligible to vote. 

The Heartbreakers

I'm off to see Petty at the Sprint Center. I'll have a review of the show later in the week. Also, for those stuck in the Midwest with no possible way get your hands on a double-double let me recommend Five Guys Burgers and Fries. It's the closest thing to In-n-Out this side of the Continental Divide. Holla

1 comment:

®andy said...

A Mark Ward and In-Out Burger reference in one post? Shit. The blogging bar is being set high.